Presidenta - Fundadora

La adolescencia es la etapa de transición entre la infancia y el ser adulto.
A menudo nos formulamos la pregunta, ¿qué hacer para que los adolescentes nos entiendan?, quizá la pregunta adecuada sea ¿qué podemos hacer para entenderlos?
Conocerlo, aceptarlo y desde el amor ayudarle a crecer e ir más allá de sí mismo.


Ana Patty Fajer se titula de:
– Licenciada en Estudios Internacionales en la Universidad de Monterrey y

– De Licenciada en Educación y Desarrollo por la Universidad Anáhuac de México.

– Obtiene la Maestría en Asesoramiento Educativo Familiar por la Universidad Villanueva, adscrita a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

– Tiene la certificación por el instituto de Teología del Cuerpo en Filadelfia EUA.

– Diplomado en Analisis existencial y Logoterapia por el Víctor Frankl institute de Viena.

– Está certificada por el instituto de GRIEF RECOVERY en San Diego California y la certificación de ESCUDO de la DIGNIDAD por el grupo Julia Borbolla.

– Obtuvo la certificación en el 2020 de CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) por el Feeling good institute en California.

– Actualmente estudia la maestría en psicología infantil y de adolescencia por el Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona .

– Su labor profesional por 19 años incluye su participación como directora en la formación de jóvenes y padres de familia.

– Imparte consulta privada a adolescentes y jóvenes. Y es
conferencista especialista en temas de valores, adolescencia y juventud, sexualidad y formación afectiva de los adolescentes.

– Actualmente dirige CONECTA-T, una organización internacional, que ofrece distintos servicios; conferencias, cursos, capacitaciones, asesoría personal a padres de familia y adolescentes.

– Conecta-T cuenta con presencia activa en la República Mexicana, Centro américa, Sudamérica, Estados Unidos, Europa y la India.

[Ana Patty Fajer]


President and founder of Conecta-T, Monterrey, Mexico Offers conferences, courses, training, and individual counseling as well as training of future speakers. The courses are directed toward parents, teachers, primary, middle and high school and college students as these are the three key audiences to effect a cultural change. The topics are on theology of the body, how to connect with your adolescent, sexuality, friendships, differences between men and women, psychology of the adolescent, keys to form adolescents, etc. Training businesses in order to be socially responsible and effect a cultural change through their employees emphasizing the dignity of the person. Counseling high school and college students.

2006 - 2012

Gave conferences, personal counseling. Organized international pilgrimages each year. In charge of personnel assignments and follow up.

2001 - 2006

Directed youth groups, gave lectures, formative counseling and forming young leaders.

2001 - 2006

Professor: Taught classes on socio economic and political culture, communication techniques, youth and family ministry, methodology of working with adolescents, fields of educative action, family and social orientation.

1996 - 2001

Directed youth groups gave lectures, formative counseling and forming young leaders. Trained college women and mothers to be team leaders of the youth groups.
[Ana Patty Fajer]
And Coursework

2012 - 2012

Master of Education in Family Counseling
Master of Education in Family Counseling
University Villanueva, linked to the Complutense University of Madrid

2011 - present

Certificate in Theology of the Body
Certificate in Theology of the Body
Institute of Theology of the Body, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Love and responsibility, Catholic sexual ethics, Thought and philosophy of John Paul II

2011 - 2012

Certificate in Western values and culture
Certificate in Western values and culture
Panamerican Center of Humanities, Monterrey, Mexico

2009 - 2010

Coursework on Leadership and coaching and emotional intelligence Coaching Duhne, Monterrey, Mexico

1996 - 2001

Bachelor of Arts, Education and Development
Bachelor of Arts, Education and Development
Anáhuac University, Mexico

1991 - 1996

Bachelor of Science in International Relations
Bachelor of Science in International Relations
University of Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico